Tour available apartments in a 3D web virtual environment by walking through the apartment getting an idea of what the actual apartment interior and exterior look like
Discover tech specs for each home (walls, floors, heating systems, bathroom facilities) by clicking on the inside/outside pinpoints
Select the fit-out option.
Locate InteRo projects in Bucharest and the main points of interest (airports, shops, restaurants, transportation, pool, parking spots, etc.)
See the direction routes to enter and exit the complex creating an easy commute plan for the busy life of residents
Book a visit or request an offer by filling in a lead form on the bottom of the projects pages or by viewing a preferred apartment and then clicking the call-to-action, `Request an offer`
This first solution of its kind aims to answer clients’ majority of questions instantly, thus helping them make decisions easier and faster and, it’s viewable from anywhere in the world. Seeing the homes through 3D digital replicas simplifies the buying process and improves the customer journey.